Open Library of Humanities
Open Access Publishing in OLH Journals
Open Library of Humanities is a not-for-profit diamond open access publisher funded by membership fees from subscribing libraries.
All authors (yes, all) regardless of their institutional affiliation can publish open access in OLH journals at no cost to themselves.
All articles are published under a CC BY licence. For reasons of third-party copyright and at the request of the author, a more restrictive CC licence can be applied.
OK, what do I need to do?
Just submit to your preferred OLH journal and follow the author guidelines!
Please note that some OLH journals may ask authors to make a voluntary contribution, if they have access to institutional funding or grants.
However, authors and co-authors affiliated with subscribing FinELib Member institutions should not be asked for voluntary contributions. To identify yourself, please enter your institution upon submission.
See the OLH title list (xls).
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All OLH titles are compliant with PlanS and the Academy of Finland's OA policy. Please use the PlanS Journal Checker Tool to check.