More and more scientific articles available to all


Researchers from Finnish universities and research institutions, can publish their articles open access thanks to the FinELib Consortium agreements. A total of 2929 open articles were published in 2020. The number of open access articles increases as more and more researchers utilise the open access benefits included in the consortium agreements. You can track the yearly development in the number of open access articles on FinELib’s new web page.

FinELib's website summarizes by publisher how many open access articles, have been published with the help of the scholarly journal agreements negotiated by the consortium. The information covers the number of open access articles since 2017, when the FinELib consortium first started negotiating agreements covering open access publishing.

FinELib agreements give researchers the right to publish articles open access free of charge or with a reduced article processing charge. The reduced charges are typically associated with fully open access journals. There are currently 12 agreements that contain an open access benefit. In 2020, the Finnish research community published altogether 5120 articles in the scholarly journals covered by the agreements, of which nearly 60% as open access articles. In the future researchers will be able to publish all their articles open access in many scholarly journals, with the benefits included in FinELib agreements.

FinELib has been able to negotiate an increasing number of agreements that contain terms for open access publishing as well as better terms for existing agreements.  More and more articles can be published open access in the future. The aim is that all research results are published open access at a reasonable cost, and agreements would be used to pay for open access publishing only and not for reading. Once full openness has been achieved, all research results are freely available to the entire scientific community and to citizens.

On FinELib’s Open Publications page, you can follow the number of articles published open access.

Follow-up of open publication elsewhere:

Open Science Monitor on the European Union website

Briefing Paper on Open Access Monitoring on Science Europe website

Open APC - a project that contains the author fee information of organizations in multiple countries


Final report of the FinELib's APC-project out now!


The report is the result of a project undertaken by the FinELib consortium in 2019–2020 to explore the motivations and challenges associated with the monitoring of APC (Article Processing Charge) expenditure among its member organisations.

The report is in Finnish but contains an Executive Summary in English which summarises the key conclusions of the project while also highlighting some of the actions Finnish institutions and stakeholders are urged to take to further promote the monitoring of APCs.

The report (Kirjoittajamaksut ja niiden seuranta: havaintoja ja kehitysehdotuksia) can be accessed here.

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